April 17, 2023
September 1, 2019
You can’t change what you don’t measure. Building a high growth mobile app requires exceptional ability to manage change. Here are 3 important growth metrics to keep an eye on in the early stage of your startup.
With growing popularity of lean and data driven startups, number of metrics have been introduced. Majority of these metrics can be incredibly helpful to track provided you do it in relevant context. You can measure things like revenue per customer, shopping cart abandonment, traffic, burn rate, retention etc. However, you can’t measure everything at once because too much data diverts your focus and leads to a case of “analysis paralysis”.
Different metrics are relevant for different business models (i.e freemium, SaaS, e-commerce), different stages of product lifecycle and different stages of startup itself. In the very early stage your goal is to determine to the following:
In other words – growth, product, profitability. Here are the 3 metrics to help you achieve that:
In his great post Startup = Growth, Paul Graham defines a startup as “a company designed to grow fast”. Based on this definition if there’s one number a founder should always know, it’s the company’s growth rate. Typically, the early stage growth rates of startups that made it to IPO are as high as 10% per week. This obviously slows down with time, but the higher your weekly growth the better prospects you have.
The best measure of weekly growth is revenue. The second best (for startups without a clear monetization model) is the user base growth. To calculate your revenue growth take the current week’s revenue, subtract last week’s revenue, and then divide by last week’s revenue. You will end up with a percentage that represents your weekly growth.
According to Y Combinator, a good growth rate during YC is 5-7% a week. If you can hit 10% a week you’re doing exceptionally well. If you can only manage 1%, it’s a sign you haven’t yet figured out what you’re doing. Every percentage makes a huge difference over the long term.
Y Combinator advises startups to pick a growth rate they think they can hit, and then just try to hit it every week. If they decide to grow at 7% a week and they hit that number, they’re successful for that week. There’s nothing more they need to do, according to Graham. The great thing about having growth rate as key metric is that it is simple and powerful – whatever decision you have to do if it gets you closer to your target growth rate, it should be done and vice versa.
The key differentiator of fastest growing companies like Twitter, Groupon or Instagram is that they build products that are viral and highly engaging. A viral product results into exponential growth without a need to spend on marketing (did you ever see an ad promoting Facebook?). Engagement leads to long term value – the longer your customers stay around the more likely they are to become long term customers. To stress how important this is just consider the fact that there are 1.2 million apps in App Store yet on average we only use 7 apps on a daily basis. That’s why a vast majority of apps aren’t profitable.
Aside from growth you have to make sure you’re having a product/market fit, or in other words that you’re building a product that satisfies customer needs. NPS is one single metric that best determines whether your customers are engaged and happy with you. It’s also the best indicator of virality.
Net promoter score was invented by Bain & Company, who after conducting a research into “millions” of variables, found that the only statistically reliable metric determining the upward or downward trajectory of a company is this single question:“How likely are you to recommend this company to your friends?”
Another definition of a startup comes from Steve Blank – “a startup is a temporary organization designed to search for a repeatable and scalable business model”. Scalable business model is the point when you figure out a way to sustainably make money. It basically means you must acquire customers for less than the revenue they generate.
According to a startup genome report, an analysis of data from over 100,000 startups around the globe, the number one startup killer is premature scaling. Premature scaling is growing faster than you can afford to, or in other words before you find a repeatable and scalable business model.
According to VC David Skok (at least for SaaS business) you have found a repeatable and scalable business model when you make a revenue per customer that is 3 times higher than it costs you to acquire that customer. As we stated in previous posts in order to reach a repeatable and scalable business model you must first nail the problem/solution fit and product market fit.
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