Football Genius

Play-by-play game predictions
Play-by-play game predictions
Play-by-play game predictionsPlay-by-play game predictions


A group of leading sports data scientists and former NFL greats wanted to bring a play-by-play prediction concept to the mass market, utilizing years of predictive analysis and loads of smart data to facilitate a new way of engaging sports fans in their game-watching experience, and win some dough, too.

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Play-by-play game predictions
Play-by-play game predictions
Play-by-play game predictionsPlay-by-play game predictionsPlay-by-play game predictionsPlay-by-play game predictions

Play-by-play game predictionsPlay-by-play game predictions

Engagement was explosive and attracted NFL advisors and investors.


Capital Raised


Session Length

Play-by-play game predictions

Compete with Friends. Make the right call.

Play-by-play game predictionsPlay-by-play game predictions

Win cash. Every game, every week.

Play-by-play game predictions
Play-by-play game predictionsPlay-by-play game predictions

"Utility works with several moving components at a rapid pace. The four-month build was incredibly rapid for a product as complex as ours. We continue to be impressed with their engineering capabilities and ability to hit deadlines."

Be the Genius.

With opportunities to win with every drive, quarter and game, users can compete at any time to win big bucks.

Play-by-play game predictions
Play-by-play game predictionsPlay-by-play game predictions
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