
Unbiased dating & matchmaking
Unbiased dating & matchmaking
Unbiased dating & matchmakingUnbiased dating & matchmaking


Kismet, meaning "destiny or fate," was the brainchild of a funded startup venture looking to solve the matchmaking conundrum in today's society. For friendship, companionship or love, all too often dating apps miss the mark with visual-based decision making, so Kismet aimed to solve the problem of true matchmaking to find one's perfect fit.

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Unbiased dating & matchmaking
Unbiased dating & matchmaking
Unbiased dating & matchmakingUnbiased dating & matchmakingUnbiased dating & matchmakingUnbiased dating & matchmaking

Unbiased dating & matchmakingUnbiased dating & matchmaking

Kismet made it easy to find matches, connect, and chat for thousands.




Matches Made

Unbiased dating & matchmaking

Start connecting, never lose touch

Users can streamline the process by a custom, proprietary matching process for consensual communication, allowing users to then chat in a real-time way through the application.

Unbiased dating & matchmakingUnbiased dating & matchmaking

Make Real Connections

By answering simple daily questions, Kismet helps you make deep connections as the system gets smarter and smarter. Utility crafted a custom matching algorithm based on real human data, so Kismet’s database and logic have been used to carefully curate, leading to more meaningful matches.

Unbiased dating & matchmaking
Unbiased dating & matchmakingUnbiased dating & matchmaking

Profiles as unique as the real You

Users can make profiles as customized and unique as desired, answering questions and posting pictures that describe what makes you, you.

Unbiased dating & matchmaking
Unbiased dating & matchmakingUnbiased dating & matchmaking
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