Featured on Shark Tank and garnering investment from Barbara Corcoran and others. Featured on Shark Tank and garnering investment from Barbara Corcoran and others. Featured on Shark Tank and garnering investment from Barbara Corcoran and others.
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Shark Tank Investors
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Users can access dynamic mapping to locate a TOOR-enabled property at any time, anywhere, and brokers can point potential buyers to their own profiles, and watch the appointments come in.
As a realtor, traveling from location to location for a quick showing is inconvenient. With TOOR, those days are over. Manage all of your digital Lockboxes from the connected mobile apps, in iOS and Android, all from the comfort of wherever.
Users can eliminate the back-and-forth logistical process that's been cumbersome for so many years, using the mobile applications to connect directly with the house owner, broker, or Airbnb host to discuss showings and other information in real-time.
TOOR was an instant success, pre-selling thousands of units online before the product was even ready for mass consumption. Users and brokers alike are using the new product in a way that's changing the landscape of real estate discovery and independent brokering.